Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Blessing one another
      To bless means to say good things. We have to bless one another constantly. Parents need to bless their children, children their parents husbands their wives, wives their husbands friends their friends. In our society, so full of curses of our world to darken our hearts. Therefore we have to be reminded of our beloved ness and remind others of theirs. Whether the blessing is given in words or with gestures, in a solemn or an informal way, our lives need to be blessed lives.

Choosing words wisely
      It is so important to choose our words wisely. When we are boiling with anger and eager to throw bitter words at our opponents, it is better to remain silent. Words spoken in rage will make reconciliation very hard. Choosing life and not death, blessings and not curses often starts by choosing to remain silent or choosing carefully the words open the way to healing

Taking up our crosses
      Maybe we can’t study, maybe we are handicapped, maybe we suffer from depression, maybe we experience conflict in our families, and maybe we are victims of violence or abuse. We didn’t choose any of it, but these things are our crosses. We can ignore them, reject them, refuse them or hate them. But we can also take up these crosses and follow Jesus with them.

Jesus’ compassion
      Jesus’ compassion, his deep feeling with us, is possible because his life is guided not by human respect but only by the love of his heavenly Father. Indeed, Jesus is free to love us because he is not dependent on our love.

Parents’ grief
     Many parents have to suffer the death of a child, at birth or at a very young age. There probably is no greater suffering than losing a child, since it so radically interferes with the desire of a father and mother to see their child grow up to be a beautiful, healthy , mature and loving person. The great danger is that the death of child will take away the parents’ desire to live. It requires an enormous act of faith on the part of parents to truly believe that given to them as gift from God, to deepen and enrich their own lives.
                 Whenever parents can make that leap of faith, their children’s short lives can become fruitful far beyond their expectations.

Lifelong journey
    Going home is lifelong journey. If we are lost in lustful fantasies or angry ruminations. Our night dreams and daydreams often remind us of lost ness. Spiritual discipline such as praying, fasting, and caring are few ways to help us return home. As we walk home we often realize how long the way is. But let us not be discouraged. Jesus walks with us and speaks carefully we discover that we are already home while on the way

A courageous life
    Have courage we often say to one another. Courage is a spiritual virtue. A courageous act is an act coming from the heart. A courageous word is a word arising from the heart. The heart is not just the place of our emotions are located. The heart is the centre of our being, the centre of all thoughts, feelings, passions and decisions. A courageous life, therefore, is a life lived from the centre. It is a deeply rooted life the opposite of a superficial life. “Have courage” therefore means let your centre speak.

Jesus’ compassion
   Jesus’ compassion, his deep feeling with us, is possible because his life is guided not by human respect but only by the love of his heavenly Father. Jesus is free to love us because he is not dependent on our love. He gave us commandment of love therefore we can recognize our heavenly father and we will live life compassionately.

Perfect love
  How then can we non violent lives? We must start by realizing that our restless hearts yearning for perfect love, also we require respect and understanding. Perfect love can find that love only through communion with the one who created them.

Depending on God
Those who are not leave the God that is true disciple of God. In difficulties man can ran away or he can fight with that difficulties. But important is he can believe on God.      

Having meal together
    When we having meal we should put of the TV set and cell phone and we should talk one another. Because of them our family bounding become a strong .when we setting together for meal  we should share our daily experience for that our friendship also become a meaningful and understanding. If we see in the world one side poor people didn’t get food and another side people throw the food. This thing for human is shameful. So come close and share our thoughts and experiences with the meal.

    Truth is the experience of God. There are two type of truth relative and absolute. In our ordinary life we apply the relative truth and absolute truth is God. Through relative truth we can reach the absolute truth. Truth can develop our inner and outer nature. Therefore we will become a helpful and loveable.
The gift of friendship
        Friendship is one of the greatest gifts a human being can receive. It is a bond of our common goals. Through friendship we can share many things. Friendship is being with the other in joy and sorrow. It is a unity of souls that gives nobility and sincerity to love.

Heaven and hell                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
           There are two kinds of death. A death leading us into God’s kingdom. And death leading us into hell. The legacy for cowards, for those who break their word, or worship obscenities, for murderers and the sexually immoral, and for sorcerers, worshippers of false gods or any other sort of liars, is the second death in the burning lake of sulphur. We must choose for God if we want to be with God. 

Life and Death
         Life and death are always before us. It is like a two sides of the same coin. It is a grace which given by God. In our life when we do good for others and live life humbly with prayer then we will experience God. After death we will be with God. So try to live our life with awareness.

The quality of life
         It is a more important than our quantity of years is the quality of our lives. Jesus died young. St Francis died young. King martin Luther died young. We do not know how long we will live, but this not knowing calls us to live every day, every week, every year of our lives make it faithfully, mercifully and pray fully.

Being merciful with ourselves
         Through mercy we can change our life and also others. We can bring a new light in others life. Through mercy we destroy our shortcomings and evil things. We should not do with our lust and anger. It simply won’t work. But we can be merciful to our own noisy selves and turn these enemies into friends.

Healing our memories
        Forgiveness indeed heals memories. Because it allows us to claim our own power and not let these events destroy us. It enables them to become events that deepen the wisdom of our hearts.

The most human and most divine gesture.
         The great mystery is that this daily and most human gesture is the way we recognize the presence of Christ among us. God becomes most present when we are most human.

Reflection: We are temple of God. In our life some time we forget the god because our temptation. But once we know the presence of the God among us. At that time we totally surrender to God.

A grateful death
     The greatest gift we can offer our families and friends is the gift of gratitude. Gratitude sets them free to continue living without bitterness or self- recrimination.

Reflection: Through gratitude we live our life meaningful. It gives more happiness to end of our life.

A courage’s life
       A courageous life, therefore, is a life lived from the centre. It is a deeply rooted life, the opposite of superficial life.” Have courage” therefore means: “let your centre speak.”
         Spiritual courage is completely different. It is following the deepest designs of our hearts at the risk of losing fame and popularity. It asks our willingness to lose our temporal lives in order to gain eternal life.

Reflection: For spiritual courage we require in our life. It gives shape our life. We go more close to God. It helps understand the human life and it removes our short comings.

Living with hope
   All the great spiritual leaders in history were people of hope. Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Mary, Jesus and Gandhi all lived with a promise in their hearts that guided them toward the further without the need to know exactly what it would look like but let’s live with hope.

Reflection: Hope is a successful part of our life. We can not do without hope. It gives an intrinsic power to our mind and heart therefore we reached to happiness. Hope teaches us how we become a cool and take patience specially in difficulties

Jesus comes to in the poor.
    What finally counts is not whether we know Jesus or know his words but whether we live our lives in the spirit of Jesus. The spirit of Jesus is the spirit of love. Jesus himself makes this clear when he speaks about the last judgment. There people will ask “Lord” when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?” and Jesus will answer. In so for as you did this to one of the least of mine you did it to me.

Reflection: This is our great challenge and consolation. Jesus comes to us in the poor, the sick, the dying, the prisoners, the lonely, the disabled, and the rejected. There we meet him, and there the door to God’s house is opened for us.  

Fulfilling a mission
   When we live our lives as missions, we become aware that there is a home from which we are sent and to which we have to return. We start thinking about ourselves as people who are in a faraway country to bring a message or work on project, but only for a certain amount of time. When the message has been delivered and the project is finished, we want to return home to give an account of our mission and rest from our labours.

Reflection: One of the most important spiritual discipline is to develop the knowledge that the years of our lives are years “on a mission”.

the gift of Friendship
    Friendship is one of the greatest gift to a human being can receive. It is a bond beyond common goals, common interests, or common histories. It is a band stranger than sexual union can create deeper than a shared fate can solidify, and can be even more intimate than the bonds of marriage or community. Friendship is being with the other in joy and sorrow, even when we cannot increase the joy or decrease the sorrow. It is unity of souls that gives nobility and sincerity to love friendship makes all of life shine brightly. Blessed are those who lay down their lives for their friends.

Reflection: Through friendship we can built up our relationship. It is symbol a of sacrifice and love.

Called out of slavery
     The church is the people of God. The Latin word for “church” ecclesia comes from the Greek “to call”. The church is the people of God called out of slavery to freedom, sin to salvation, despair to hope, darkness to light an existence centered on death to an existence focused on life.

Reflection: When we think of the church we have to think of a body of people, traveling together. We have to envision women, men and children from all ages, races and societies supporting one another on their long and often tire some journeys to their final home

Being merciful with ourselves.
    We need silence in our lives. We even desire it. But when we enter into silence we encounter a lot of inner noises, often so disturbing that a busy and distracting life seems preferable to a time of silence. Two disturbing “noises” present themselves quickly in our silence. The noise of lust the noise of anger. Lust reveals our many unsatisfied needs, anger our many unresolved relationships. But lust and anger are very hard to face.

Reflection: Jesus says “Go and learn the meaning of the words, mercy is what please me not sacrifice. Sacrifice is “offering up” cutting out” burning away or killing. We shouldn’t do that with our lust and anger. It simply won’t work., But we can be merciful toward our own noisy selves and turn these enemies into friends.

1) Once there was a little girl who went to a church. But she couldn’t pray like the others because she was too small to read and write. So one day she carefully writes the alphabets from A to Z and keeps it near the image of Jesus and slowly whispers, I don’t know the prayers to the mass because I am very small to read and write. But I will tell you and give you what I learnt till yesterday in my pre-kg classes. And now please arrange the alphabets and make a prayer from my side to you.

 God sees your heart, not the words in your prayer.