To exist is to co-exist.
Man is a radically social animal.
On no level of his existence as a person is he absolutely alone.
I fully agree with the hymn when
it says, “no man can live in an island journeying through life alone.” It is
obvious that we need one another besides our parents, siblings and our near and
dear ones. We need friends, leaders, teachers advisor who would help us to live
lives beautifully.
Fritz perls said, “I am not in
this world to live up to your expectations; it’s true. But in the society we
need confirmation, recognition, affirmation and relation. So I am in this world
to confirm you as a unique human being and to be confirmed by you. It is best
to know that we are fully ourselves only in relation to each other. It is 100%
true that I must begin with myself. But I must end with my self. The truth
always involves two or three. Jesus does not say, “Where there is one and only
one, I will be there in his or her midst.” But he says, “Where there are two or
there are gather in my name I will be there in the midst of them.”
In short, we become fully human only through
our interaction with other human beings.