Sunday, September 6, 2015

To exist is to co-exist.

To exist is to co-exist.

Man is a radically social animal. On no level of his existence as a person is he absolutely alone.
I fully agree with the hymn when it says, “no man can live in an island journeying through life alone.” It is obvious that we need one another besides our parents, siblings and our near and dear ones. We need friends, leaders, teachers advisor who would help us to live lives beautifully.
Fritz perls said, “I am not in this world to live up to your expectations; it’s true. But in the society we need confirmation, recognition, affirmation and relation. So I am in this world to confirm you as a unique human being and to be confirmed by you. It is best to know that we are fully ourselves only in relation to each other. It is 100% true that I must begin with myself. But I must end with my self. The truth always involves two or three. Jesus does not say, “Where there is one and only one, I will be there in his or her midst.” But he says, “Where there are two or there are gather in my name I will be there in the midst of them.”
In short, we become fully human only through our interaction with other human beings.

Monday, August 24, 2015

It's natural problem.

It’s natural problem.

The new microphone was bought and for a week or two the microphone worked our pretty well and it is clear enough to hear the speech of a priest. After a month, something wrong happened to the microphone, so the sound was very unpleasant to listen to as if a wet dirty sack has covered the fresh speaker. Out of frustration a pious abbot stood up and said, “What happen to the sound system? Is it because of some technical problem that it sound so horrible?” a bumble technician softly voice out and said, no Reverence it isn’t because of technical hazard but because of natural problem. You see, last month the weather was bright and clear so was with our sound system in the chapel.  But now that it is a summer season the days becomes gloomy and cold. The rain falls and the cloud spread around the nature. To make matter worse these affect our microphone and so this how it happen now. The sound is unclear and it sounds very moody and gloomy.
Therefore, it’s natural problem

Scarcity mentality

Scarcity mentality.

This is the mentality that makes the community, the society and the family sick. If one is aware, it is the mentality that states “if he win I lose if he loose I win.” Basically it is competitive mentality and a comparison between me and you or he and her.
This mentality is really a sick mentality. With full delectation I am proud to tell that many of us possess this disgusting mentality. The example of this sort of mentality is stated below,
  1. If he has remarkable success or achievement be it in studies or competition I may verbally express happiness for his or her success but inwardly I am eating my heart out.”

How sad it is for one who is not aware that he possesses this mentality.  Truly truly I say out aloud that we will never grow in our lives if this mentality rules us. So as better people in the society we need deep reflection to uproot this evil and replace it with the best mentality the “abundance mentality.”

Sunday, August 23, 2015

get out from the comfort zone.

“Get out from the  comfort zone.”

We are called to be God’s disciples,
To go and preach his goodness everywhere.
We are not encourage to live alone,
So we should get out from the comfort zone.

There is a mission out there,
But none of us are aware.
It is best to know that our mission is not only for the college boys and gals,
But also to the murderers and the prisoners.

Dearest brethren, Rev. Fathers and Brothers
We can’t afford to stay as bench warmers,
We cannot as well live as a clone.

But we need to be different and get out for the mission from our “comfort zone.”

prison ministry.


It is a marvelous experience for me to have an opportunity to visit those jail men. My bias towards them was so strong that I equate them with a being that is good for nothing. I literally condemned them thinking that they are socially bad and morally bad. I can’t really proclaim from the roof top that by the very nature they are good or they are bad. However with the experience of today I can voice out though certain extend that most of the prisoners are good and they might have wanted to live a good moral life in the society but due to certain condition they fail to avoid, and they end up their lives for a number of years in jail.

In a frank language I wanted to say that I have still to discover, why, how, and what happened that those great men are there!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

on care for a common home

One upon a time there was a forest where the birds sang by day and the insects by night. Trees flourished, flowers bloomed and all manner of creatures roamed about in freedom.
And all who entered there were led to Solitude which is the home of God who dwells in Nature’s silence and Nature’s beauty.
But hen the Age of Unconsciousness arrived when it became possible for people to construct buildings a thousand feet high and to destroy rivers and forests and mountains in a month. So houses of worship were built from the wood of the forest trees and from the stone under the forest soil. Pinnacle, spire and minaret pointed towards the sky; the air was filled with sound of bells with prayer and chant and exhortation.
And god was suddenly without a home.

is this real Love?

Is this a real Love? 

A saleswoman sold a brightly colored pair of trousers to a lad who seemed delighted with his purchase.

The next day he was back to say he wanted to return the trousers. His reason, “My girlfriend does not like them.”

A week later he was back again, all smiles, and wanting to buy the trousers. “Has your girl changed her mind?” asked the saleswoman.

“Nope,” said the young fellow. “I've changed the girl.”

Sunday, July 12, 2015

what have we to do.

Before you.....what???? Have a look down..!

Before you speak, listen
Before you pray, forgive
Before you write, think
Before you spend, earn
Before you invest, investigate
Before you criticize, wait
Before you quit, try
Before you retire, save
Before you die, give.



We can always make an effort to consider about it.

“Everyone believes the golden rule, give into others the advice you can’t use yourself”

Early to bed and early to rise is a sure sign that you’re fed up with surfing or Television.

For the happy heart, life is a continual feast.
-Proverbs, 15:15

A cheerful heart is a good medicine.
-Psalms, 17:22

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Gospel Reflection

He that loveth not, knowth not God, for God is love.   ( 1. John)

These words sound so eternal that most of us cannot  connect them with daily life. What , we ask, do personal relationships have to do with the divine? I would reply that it is by discovering the unity between ourselves and others that we find our unity with God. We don't first get to know God and then, by some miracle of grace, come to love our fellow human beings. Loving others come first. In this sense, learning to love is practicing religion. Those who can put the welfare of others before there own small personal interest are religious , even if they would deny it.

Ekkanath Easwaran

Sunday, June 28, 2015

effective thought

we have to the whole universe as the expression of one self.  then only our lve flow to all beings and creators in the world equally.
                                              -Swami Ramdas

Diffination of Love.

Love is patient and kind,. It is not jealous or boastful it not arrogant or rude,.
1 corinthian.