Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Blessing one another
      To bless means to say good things. We have to bless one another constantly. Parents need to bless their children, children their parents husbands their wives, wives their husbands friends their friends. In our society, so full of curses of our world to darken our hearts. Therefore we have to be reminded of our beloved ness and remind others of theirs. Whether the blessing is given in words or with gestures, in a solemn or an informal way, our lives need to be blessed lives.

Choosing words wisely
      It is so important to choose our words wisely. When we are boiling with anger and eager to throw bitter words at our opponents, it is better to remain silent. Words spoken in rage will make reconciliation very hard. Choosing life and not death, blessings and not curses often starts by choosing to remain silent or choosing carefully the words open the way to healing

Taking up our crosses
      Maybe we can’t study, maybe we are handicapped, maybe we suffer from depression, maybe we experience conflict in our families, and maybe we are victims of violence or abuse. We didn’t choose any of it, but these things are our crosses. We can ignore them, reject them, refuse them or hate them. But we can also take up these crosses and follow Jesus with them.

Jesus’ compassion
      Jesus’ compassion, his deep feeling with us, is possible because his life is guided not by human respect but only by the love of his heavenly Father. Indeed, Jesus is free to love us because he is not dependent on our love.

Parents’ grief
     Many parents have to suffer the death of a child, at birth or at a very young age. There probably is no greater suffering than losing a child, since it so radically interferes with the desire of a father and mother to see their child grow up to be a beautiful, healthy , mature and loving person. The great danger is that the death of child will take away the parents’ desire to live. It requires an enormous act of faith on the part of parents to truly believe that given to them as gift from God, to deepen and enrich their own lives.
                 Whenever parents can make that leap of faith, their children’s short lives can become fruitful far beyond their expectations.

Lifelong journey
    Going home is lifelong journey. If we are lost in lustful fantasies or angry ruminations. Our night dreams and daydreams often remind us of lost ness. Spiritual discipline such as praying, fasting, and caring are few ways to help us return home. As we walk home we often realize how long the way is. But let us not be discouraged. Jesus walks with us and speaks carefully we discover that we are already home while on the way

A courageous life
    Have courage we often say to one another. Courage is a spiritual virtue. A courageous act is an act coming from the heart. A courageous word is a word arising from the heart. The heart is not just the place of our emotions are located. The heart is the centre of our being, the centre of all thoughts, feelings, passions and decisions. A courageous life, therefore, is a life lived from the centre. It is a deeply rooted life the opposite of a superficial life. “Have courage” therefore means let your centre speak.